Saturday, May 3, 2008

BYE BYE bottle!!

So it has been long over due, i always swore to myself, that my child would never be walking and drinking out of a bottle. SO heres Kaden going on the big TWO in June, and he was still taking a bottle. UGH!!! so finally i buckled down and i stopped giving him one, it was real tough. nap time and bed time was a nightmare, but everyday he asked for less and less. NOw he say's BABBA, YUCKY, and im like thats right, YUCKY!!! It was well worth it, now my kids doesn't look retarded walking around with a bottle in his mouth.


Chass said...

GOOD FOR YOU!!! My friends baby got really attached to hers between 11 and 12 months and she had a real hard time getting it away from her, SO I noticed Noah starting to get attached to his around 10 months so I TOOK it, and he has been on a sippy for about 2 weeks now and I'm SOO GLAD, much easier to clean than a bottle