Tuesday, August 12, 2008


OK! So for the past 3 weeks have been SO miserable in are house hold. We have had this horrible eye infection. First my brother and sister and law and there little girl had it. I stayed clear away from there house, hopeing i wouldnt get it. LUCKY me!! i got it! i had it for 2 weeks i felt so miserable, so ache, and a BLAZING headache. So my eye was finally starting to set better and i got it in the other eye. So then i got all better and my Poor little Taylor got it. i felt so sorry for her. she would just sit and Cry. So long days just sitting holding her, and trying to entertain Kaden. Kaden hasnt got it yet and im hopeing he doesnt. So Taylor is finally all better, and now Poor Jeremy has it now, and my sister n law has it again. So this is what are little family has been up to for the last few weeks, JUST being Sick!

OH and what made me SO mad, is the 4th Twight book came out and im barley into it, because i couldnt read, i was so SAD. So ive been trying to stay clear of ppl blogs that have posted about the fourth book, so you dont ruin it for me. So hopefully within the next few days i will have it read.


Sherral said...

That is such a bummer! Ok, this is going to sound bizaar, but I've heard that if you put a teeny weeny bit of cayenne pepper in your eye that it will clear up an infection. I'm sure it also burns like the dickens!

Chass said...

That is NO GOOD at all!! Those eye infections ARE miserable..hopefully it doesn't keep just passing around the family. That's horrible!! Thats crappy you haven't been able to read the 4th book, I'm only on the third, I borrow them from my sister in law and she just finished the 4th, she's trying to rush me along so that she can talk about it with me, lol, the suspense is killin her!!

RaCHELLE HuRD said...

these pictures made me laugh. but what an awful time that would be!!! i hope you are all feeling better.