Monday, February 2, 2009


So I'm def feeling PREGNANT. I'm one of the Very lucky ones that doesn't get sick. I may feel nausea at time, but will hardy EVER throw up. i was perfectly fine about a week and half ago, didn't even feel pregnant, i thought it was great.
But im feeling it now. lately i am a couch potatoe. I can say I'm caught up on all my T. V shows. I'm a faithful nap taker, and if my kids don't sleep for at least 2 or more hours during there naps, Mommy isn't very happy. Jeremy's only worked about 3 days out of this past month and he was become quit the house wife. He is the one telling me to get up and clean, OR help me clean...he is doing the diaper changing, bathing, feeding more than i am.
Jeremy is trying to loose a little weight, these last two pregnancy's have been hard on him. lol. So he is determined to not let this pregnancy take a toll on his body also. So he has lost 11 lbs in a week and half. CRAZY! why couldn't i ever do that. I'm so proud of him. i think it is great, and he is going to be a SEXY BEAST! SO why Jeremy eats all healthy, I'm sitting on the couch eating Corn dogs and Cereal. Healthy food just doesn't sound good right now. So anyways the point of this post is....I'm just feeling Blah. Dint want to clean, go anywhere, or do anything. Its very stress free feeling like this.


Kimberly said...

Getting caught up on all your tv shows isn't such a bad thing right? I had HORRIBLE morning sickness for 2 1/2 months. I feel your pain (or nausea, if you will)...but I didn't have two other little ones...that must be HARD. You're my hero! Glad Jeremy is helping out so much!

Aaron & Jayme said...

hahahaha!!! Sorry, no sympathy here :) I totally remember being so tired when I was first pregnant. It wasn't that bad with the first two, but the third, holy cow, it kicked my booty! I could barely function cuz I was so tired.

PS. My family LOVED my hair! They said it was the best they had seen on me and they liked it more than my $1000 extentions!

RaCHELLE HuRD said...

BAHHHH HA HA!!! you crack me up. corn dogs? funny. and my favorite part of this post: "it's very stress free feeling like this." YOU ENJOY IT, GIRL! if jeremy's helping, soak it in baby! love ya. hope you start feeling better soon. :)

Sherral said...

I'm with you on the no-healthy-food-in-the-first-trimester thing! When I was pregnant with Colbie all I ever wanted was french fries! Thank goodness for prenatal vitamins, eh? Hope you start feeling better soon!

Jade said...

Sorry your feeling sooo blah!!! That's no fun at all!! just think, soon it will all be over and your precious baby will be in your arms (crying, keeping you up all night). I dunno, I might opt for the blah!! LOL!!! :) Just kidding!