Sunday, January 25, 2009


-We had are anniversary!! It was great, We were supposed to go Snow Boarding, but since I'm Pregnant and not the best snowboarder, we thought Negative on that idea.
So we went to Mesa, i went to Hobby lobby. all i can say is WOW. i loved it. Everyone kept telling me i should go there, and i finally had that chance to. i spent lots of time(and money) there. So much fun. We did a lot of shopping around, Temple, movies. We even got to stay longer than we planned, We went to the Motor Cross Motor Sport races at Chase ball park. It was are first time, and it was AWESOME. So we drove home that night, LATE after the know how you always hear freaky stories about the Reservations....Well hear is ares.....We were driving through Bylas at about midnight, and I'm sleeping all of sudden Jeremy is like, WHAT THE CRAP......i jump up,and there is and Indian Man standing in the middle of the road. I almost shizzed my pants. So Jeremy swerves around him, and he like tries to reach for are car. IT WAS just freaky. So we just called 911, and kept driving. IT was a freaky experience, and hope it never happens again.

-We had Taylor's Doctors appt for her bow legs, so the doc took E-Ray, and he said they are like that because of the way she was was positioned in my Uterus. Most kids are positioned knees up to there chest, but she was sitting Indian style. So he said within a year the bow legs should be gone,and her pigeon toe, should go a little after that.

-i had my doc appt also, and i am a a whopping 6 Weeks along. What the heck, i thought i was at least 9 weeks. Next month he will do another sonogram and will tell me when my exact due date is. So i feel fine. Mostly sick at night.

-last but not least, Today we were leaving to go eat dinner at my sister n laws house, and someone egged are car. WHAT the hell. i was so flippin mad. i actually think they were trying to hitt the persons car next to ares, Of course they were no one doesnt like

-So that is what is new, still no camera. litterally going in sane with out one, but what can i do.


Sherral said...

ok, that reservation story IS freaky! I always get nervous driving through there.
ps. We need to hang out with you guys sometime soon. I feel like I haven't seen you in forever.

The Penrod Family said...

I hate driving through the rez at night. We always try to leave so it will still be light out. I have heard too many stories from from lots of people about creepy indians.

Amy Allred said...

I know how you feel not being as far along as you thought. It is depressing finding out your not that far along. Are you seeing Tran?? Hope everything is going good.

Anonymous said...

Woo Hoo! you went to Hobby Lobby! I love that place, I'm glad you went, but I do have to say, I wish I could have gone with you! Holy cow 4 years! where does the time go? i seriously don't know! you've obviously figured it out by now, but I now have a blog, and the internet! how exciting huh! you'll have to check it out at anyways, we have to get together sometime and hang out, i'm all for it, as long as you leave your freaky indian friends on the reservation!

Rachel said...

OK - I'm worried about you. I'm hoping you guys are doing OK as far as money. 3 days in 1 month is really scary!!! Keep in touch. I love ya and will help in anyway I can.