Thursday, October 15, 2009

were MOVING!!!!

the Hunt is over and we have found a house to rent. Im in love with it and ive been waiting for this day for a long time. We have out grown are apartment by two children. We are packing tonight and moving tomorrow. We arnt moving far.....dont worry, just to Thatcher. If i didnt live so close to neighbors i would scream im so excited. We have alot going on this weekend and next week, so i dont know how were are going to do it. BUT wish us luck. I have alot of pictures to post and when i get time i will do it. YAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!~~

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Miscarriage Awarness day OCtober 15

Tomorrow is Miscarriage awarness day. October 15, this Video made me cry.
I have never experienced such a loss, but i have a few dear friends that have. I will be lighting my candle tomorrow and thinking of you guys.

Pray for Halli Wood

Halli is Jeremy's Cousin's daughter. i have only met her once, she is the CUTest, sweetest girl ever. Her story is below and you should def. read it, she was air lifted to Phoenix Childrens Hospital today because she wasnt able to fight off the influenza type A. Please Pray for this sweet little girl.
you can see pictures of Cute Halli hear and also make donations to help with the travel expenses!

Halli, age 9, enjoyed this summer in Snowflake with her 3 brothers (Cody, Wacey, and Brenley) and 1 sister (Kyri). They are involved in sports (including rodeo) and Halli rode calves, went gigging frogs with her brothers, and did all the fun things kids are supposed to be able to do during the summer. Shortly after school started this year, she started having "tummy aches" and when it didn't go away, Keli and Ty took her to the hospital, thinking it might be appendicitis. The hospital in ShowLow transferred her to Phoenix Children's Hospital in Phoenix after the tumor was discovered. Following are some notes that I kept during that time. 8/25 - Halli underwent surgery to remove a malignant ovarian tumor at Phoenix Children's Hospital. The doctors only had to remove one ovary and said it had not spread to other organs, but since it was so large and attached to the lining of her stomach, uterus, and pelvis, she would need to have chemotherapy. She would have to remain in the hospital until she had healed partially from the surgery before she could begin chemo treatments. Expected number of treatments were not known yet, but could be for 6 months.9/1 - Halli had surgery to insert a port through which she would receive her chemo treatments.9/2 - Started her first chemo treatment which would be done over a period of 3-4 days. 9/4 - This evening Halli had an allergic reaction to one of the meds she was given and had some major complications that caused her to have difficulty breathing, be very confused and not even know who her mom was. During the night and over the next day, Halli was completely out of it, so they decided to do an MRI on Sunday to make sure the cancer had not spread to the central nervous system/brain.9/6 - MRI was clear. However, that morning Halli still wasn't really herself either, but was getting better toward evening. HOWEVER, by now she was having major nausea and vomiting as well as other symptoms of chemo meds that we had been told about. Seemed to me that she had them ALL at the same time.9/7 - Since Halli had experienced a very serious allergic reaction, the doctor told Keli they wanted to do an EEG, but couldn't do it on a holiday, so they would schedule it for Tuesday. The reason for this was that they wanted to be sure she hadn't experienced a mini stroke or seizures.9/8 - This morning Halli wasn't nauseated for the first time since she started the chemo treatment and she ate a very good breakfast of french toast sticks. They did the EEG this morning and Halli handled it well. After she got back to her room, she requested a ham sandwich and carrot and celery sticks for lunch. The doctor says the EEG shows some irregular brain waves from the chemo, but they believe it will be temporary. She will need to follow up with a neurologist for more tests as time goes one. That evening they discharged her, but since it was so late by the time of discharge, they stayed at Ronald McDonald House that night.9/9 - Mom, Dad and Halli arrived home in Snowflake around 3:00 p.m. this afternoon to the joy of her brothers and sister and extended family members. Halli has to return to Phoenix Children's Hospital every 21 days for 3-4 days of chemotherapy treatments. This is a difficult time for all of them. Halli is handling it like a little trooper and I'm confident that the Lord will take care of her. Thanks for your prayers and kindness.Betty Sue Conway (Keli's Aunt)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Livin the Crazy life!!

I'm waiting and waiting for things to Calm down.......and now I'm beginning to think this is how our life is going to be C r A ZZZZZY!

This is how the day goes for me when Jeremy is at work

Morning: 6:30 Am, Ive already been awake since 5:30 feeding brenlee and i hear Kaden start to wake up.....PLEASE PLEASE go back to bed I'm thinking....but that wish never comes true. We all get up, I'm trying to get them all fed, juice, diapers, dressed, while i eat and try to get myself ready....sounds so smooth doesn't it......Not so much!

Maybe if I'm feeling energetic i will take them all three some where by myself, but that all includes, snacks, making sure brenlee is feed, paci, diaper, extra clothes and blanket, juices, as well as getting myself ready and sometimes i have to redress cause i have feces on me or barf. YUCK!! and getting them all out the door, and then getting them in the truck, this process sometimes takes well over and hour. This rarely ever happens, we dont venture away by are self's to much!

Lunch: I'm getting really excited about this time, because i know nap time is coming up soon.......and i get to breath for a moment!!! So this time normally goes smooth unless we are all tired and brenlee needs to be fed when Kaden and Taylor are starving and restless! So while they nap i wish i time to do the things that i want to do, but its vacuuming, laundry, dish,putting laundry away( which never happens) -Jeremy asks me every morning where his clothes are cause there rarely hanging in the closet these day.....i say there over there in the least there clean babe!! sweeping and moping, and i might JUST might have a few mins to take a little nap!

nap time is over and Daddy is normally home......Kids are really energetic from there nap, so we send them to grandma's house and Jeremy and i can have some time to talk and have a normal Conversation......Until grandma brings them home.... i might go for a run or walk.....but who has the energy to do that......SO ya!

It's just crazy from here on out, dinner, bath time, bed time ritual, cleaning up from the Crazy day....finally bed time 7:30...........

Then i realize i need to go to walmart because we have no more diapers or milk....ugh.....then i realize i haven't showered in....... i dont know how many days........i want to have a few min. to myself......but i think ill just go to bed because brenlee is going to wake up soon for another feeding! and I'm exhausted.....

I think I'm slowly getting in the groove of things, i just have to realize this is how life is going to be for awhile! Some days i feel super overwhelmed and i become a mean MOM! I know I'm a good, fun mom, but i do have 3 small children, and it is hard and def over whelming.
We have been really busy this past month and in the next few weeks it is going to get more CRAZY! We just have alot going on..........

And good news......We are on the prowl for a new home......We love this little apartment, but we have out grown it by 2 children, So we are looking for a nice place to call are home......Im excited and i ll keep you updated!!