So a few weeks ago my friend Ashley helped me plant a garden. She was so nice to come and help! We even planted one with my Mother n law. So i think Ashley is the best friend EVER for helping us do this.
Not that i have ever wanted a garden before, but i had NO idea where to even begin. Everything is growing really good besides the onions and peppers. So here are a few things that are growing.We planted Onions,peppers,carrots,radishes,cucumber, tomatoes and sometime im going to plant chives, watermelon, and cantaloupe. I was so freakin excited when things started to grow. I can only imagine how farmers feel when there crop is growing good. I love having a garden,and i cant wait to taste the yummy food that comes out of it. ASHLEY your the best if i havent already told you!!
Today is such a nice day, it has been sprinkling on and off and i love the smell of rain. Im so excited for summer, lots of trips to the lake, park and swimming pool. Besides the fact that im going to be huge all threw summer, im really excited for it!